Monday, September 28, 2009

Megan Fox or Nylon Magazine

Photo via Nylon Mag

Megan Fox cover's Nylon's October issue. Her new movie "Jennifer's Body" premiered at number five in the box office, but has gotten rave Twitter reviews. Here are some clips from her Nylon interview.

On her recent rise to fame:

“I think that I’m really overexposed. I was part of a movie that [the studio] wanted to make sure would make $700 million, so they oversaturated the media with their stars, I don’t want to be in magazines every week and on the Internet everyday. I don’t want to have people get completely sick of me before I’ve ever even done something legitimate.”

Why you should see her in Jennifer’s Body:
“It’s a comedy, which no one has really seen me do before. It might be a complete failure on my part. But the fact that I had to really put myself out there is totally different than being able to hide behind the magic of ILM [Industrial Light and Magic, which did special effects for Transformers]. That’s no hiding from anything. There’s nothing there to distract you from my performance. So if it’s bad, it’s going to be fucking bad for me. And if it’s good, then I will have achieved something on some level.”

Read More @ Nylon


D. said...

she's an idiot to the 10th power.