Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rihanna Bites M.I.A. Again

Today Rihanna's label premiered the video for her single 'Rude Boy'. Rihanna said she went back to her roots for the video. I see where she was coming from, but this video reminds me a lot of M.I.A.'s '07 video for her release, 'Boyz'. I also see a lot of ethnic patterns being used in this video. It's weird that patterns are being painted all over the mainstream today (Wait for A.Keys and Beyonce's new video to drop). That was underground before '09.
Besides biting underground artists, RiRi is exploring her sexuality and putting it all out there. We rarely see this from Miss Fenty. She's noticeably evolving from edgy to sexy since the release of Rated R.
On a positive note, RiRi is killing it in this video. It's nice to see her dance for once in her life, and the video is different. I just wish she wouldn't steal from people, especially M.I.A.